To set up residential service for water, sewer, and garbage with the City of De Smet, please contact the Finance Office to obtain an application.
The following schedule is followed every two months to process the utility bills for water, wastewater and solid waste:
1. Water and wastewater charges are billed every month.
2. Solid waste collection charges are billed every month.
3. The bills are processed and mailed on the 1st day of the billing month.
4. On the morning of the 16th day of the month, the mail will be opened and all payments received will be recorded along with all payments received through 5:00 PM on the 15th. A penalty of 15% will then be added to the unpaid accounts with a balance in excess of ten dollars.
5. After the penalties are processed, the delinquent notices will be mailed.
6. The delinquent notice allows a minimum of ten days to pay the account in full and avoid disconnection.
7. If payment in full is not received by the deadline stated on the delinquent notice, a notice advising the date of disconnection (door knocker) will be posted by a city employee at the service location of each delinquent account between the hours of 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM.
8. If the account remains unpaid at the date and time specified, a service disconnect order is given to the responsible city employee, ordering disconnection immediately.
9. A service disconnection according to the above described provisions can be restored by making payment of the account in full plus a twenty-five dollar disconnection charge at City Hall. When service is reconnected, a twenty-five dollar reconnection fee will be charged.
106 Calumet Ave. SE
De Smet, SD 57231
Phone: 605.854.3731
Fax: 605.854.9074
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City Council Meeting
01-10-2025 to 04-09-2025
City Council Meeting
01-10-2025 to 04-09-2025
Feb. 12, 2025 Reg. Mtg. Minutes (PDF)
October 9, 2024 Reg. Mtg. minutes (PDF)
View MoreMarch 12, 2025 Reg. Mtg. Agenda (PDF)
City of De Smet Job Application (PDF)
Swimming Pool Waiver (PDF)
Event Center Roller Skating Waiver (PDF)
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